Archives: Print
The British call it ‘press’ and media calls it dead and the Internet doesn’t call it anything because they don’t know it exists: Print advertising. Is it as next-gen as integrated A.I. gaming holograms or viral creator stunt activations with 400 trillion impressions? Is it still an idea and a story and a conversation between writer & reader? Is this just a lot of rhetorical grandstanding to introduce a few collections of brand print ads?
Part of a Kelly Award-winning print campaign. If you remember things like print and the Kelly Awards. Click each image to view in full.
Polaroid makes cameras that spit out pictures, sure. They used to make cameras that spat out tiny pictures that were also stickers. Thus this campaign with sticky pictures on actual magazine ads. I know, “what’s a magazine?”
The “Mean Stinks” brand film for Secret deodorant won every award on Earth. This ambient & print work did not. In any case: the nature of graffiti is that it hijacks its environment. So in middle schools, we decided to hijack the hijacker with the idea of being nice behind someone’s back. But make it graffiti.
Kellogg School of Management
Apparently even the revered Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University needs to advertise (in this case for its Executive MBA program). Applications went stratospheric when these ran, could be coincidence.