Frozen Dessert Bars Launch

Oatly launches ice cream bars on a stick dipped in chocolate. Except the ice cream isn’t technically ice cream and the chocolate isn’t technically chocolate. But they taste so good that people can’t believe what else they’re not made of. Welcome to taste-testamonials from Oatly.


2023 One Show Pencil | Video Content Series

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National Ice Cream Day Takeover

Apparently there’s such a thing as National Ice Cream Day so of course Oatly had to take it over. We bought out 25 real ice cream trucks in five cities, stocked them with not-ice cream Oatly Frozen Dessert bars, complete menu re-skins and even custom napkins. The ice cream trucks drove their normal neighborhood routes handing out free not-ice cream bars all day long, which both freaked out and delighted their regular customers. The next day all 25 truck ice cream truck owners placed orders to start selling Oatly not-ice cream bars.